
This Netflix Titanic reminder was funny but, the responses made it even better

A Redditor named u/SeaTicket718 posted a screenshot of a message they got from Netflix. We’re not sure it was supposed to be funny, but it was funny – in a facepalm sort of way.

They added –

Pretty sure we all know what happens next …

The comments just made it even better.

Yeah, that Rose chick kills Leo because she’s too greedy to share her raft.

Does he draw her like one of his French girls?

Oh yeah I remember. When the boat starts sinking the giant octopus comes to put the ship back together and save everyone. Classic.

Rose and Jack cuddle on top of the board and then get rescued. They start a new life in America and the movie ends as Celine sings The Power of Love.

The boat sinks. The monkey dies. Two movies you can skip now.

You’re welcome.

Dont spoil it for me! Haven’t seen it yet.

You say that but I have a different theory of what happened.

Yeah what happens next is you click the alert and Outlook opens

I do find watching movies like that sort of unsatisfying.

Like if they made a movie about Julius Caesar. “Gee, I wonder what will happen.”

They have made a movie about Julius Caesar. You should watch it.

What happened???

Bovine_arithmetic had a vision.

Someone should do a remake of Titanic where they don’t hit an iceberg, and it’s just a funny period comedy about an ocean voyage.


People enjoyed Netflix’s takedown of the guy who slagged off their movie selection

Source r/Reddit Image Tumisu on Pixabay