
This bakery had the very best response to a PR’s offer to pay for their celebrity with exposure

This isn’t the first time we’ve featured a business’s totally on-point response to someone offering to pay them with ‘exposure’ but it might be one of the very best.

It’s the Three Little Birds bakery in Yorkshire which was moved to post on Facebook this PR firm’s request on behalf of their celebrity client and it’s quite the read.

It went wildly viral after it was shared by the always followable @simonharris_mbd on Twitter.

And because that’s tricky to read in full, here is the request …

And here is the bakery’s magnificent – magnificent! – response.

Oven roasted.

And it’s pretty much the only thing anyone was talking about – well, we exaggerate only a little bit.

It later turned out the celebrity was Catherine Tyldesley, the – Google, Google – Coronation Street star who also appeared on Strictly Come Dancing.

At the risk of far too much information – apologies in advance – but in the interests of balance and all that, here’s what she had to say about it later on Instagram.


And just in case you want to put in an order or pay them a visit …

Source Twitter @simonharris_mbd Image Unsplash Daria Volkova