Weird World

Someone went on Tinder to get help moving her couch in exchange for a bottle of water – the internet swiped left

Thanks to Reddit user u/theoseinagape we’ve now discovered a new use for Tinder, though we’re not completely convinced it’ll catch on.

See what you think.

What? We’d put good money on that having resulted in a swipe-left-athon. The comments suggested the same.

“At best, a bottle of water”. You’re asking strangers to come help you move, for free, and you can’t even guarantee that you’ll offer them water? Jesus Christ.

In my mind, the fact they are not asking friends or connections and instead are asking strangers speaks volumes as to what sort of people they are.

It’ll just be all the lukewarm water you can drink from the tap with no cup even!

Pizza and beer is the bare minimum. I am almost at the age so would prefer to pay someone; mostly because all my friends are old too.

Any guy willing to come over and move your furniture for zero pay is a guy you shouldn’t trust to waltz into your home.

I hope someone enquires, commits then doesn’t show up. I know I would.

This seems like an easy way to get a free couch.

Show up, put the couch in your truck, get that sweet bottle of water, tell them you will follow them to their new apartment, then just turn a different way at the first intersection.

All I can see is her dirty feet.

Wow those guys who will be honored to move that furniture are really lucky that it’ll be free of charge for them.

Oh wow, a whole bottle of water for busting my ass to help you move in the middle of the heat death of Summer?

Fuck off with that bullshit.

I hope they got the s*** reported out of them so they’re banned.

Must be a thirst trap.

02K303c1 shared a similar story.

I had a first date like this! Actually it was the reverse. We met online, chatted a bit, she invited me to her place for a date. When I arrive, there’s a U-haul outside. She’s in the middle of packing to move to another state and just wanted me to help with the heavy lifting.

After I confirmed it was really her and she was really moving, I said “well good luck with that!” and got the hell out of there.


This Tinder exchange was already wildly infuriating … and then comes the payoff

Source Reddit Image Reddit, Screengrab