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The takedown of this mindblowing American Civil War claim was historic

Over on r/MurderedByWords, u/Low_Analyst_576 shared this DeSantis-like take on the American Civil War.

What happened next was one of the reasons people should be really careful what they say on the internet.

Sadly, we couldn’t find whether they responded to that public murder by words, but we enjoyed readng what Reddit users thought of it.

The person in the screenshot is just wrong and conflating two different things. The civil war was absolutely about slavery from it’s outset. It wasn’t about the nationwide abolition of slavery until the war was in progress though.
Owain X

But they wrote fact at the end. It makes everything true right…. Right?

You can write anything you want and just append “Fact.” to it to make it legally binding for everyone who reads it. Fact.

I will never understand how people can honestly try and rewrite modern history.

Conservatives don’t believe facts and scientific sources. The only thing that matters are their feelings

Those trying to rewrite it know full well it is false. They also know their propaganda consumers will eat it up like guppies.

However you look at this stellar line of reasoning, it still ends up with slavery being key to the American Civil War. “It wasn’t about slavery until it was”. Twat.

There’s definitely a kernel of truth to what this person is saying.

But then it gets covered in multiple layers of pure lost-cause propaganda.

I mean, this wasn’t prehistoric. they wrote it down. you can read their own words why they left the union:

“Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery– the greatest material interest of the world.”

One final message for the word-murder victim.


An Australian had the perfect comeback on the subject of gun ownership

Source r/MurderedByWords Image r/MurderedByWords, karatara on Pexels