Want two minutes of Brian Blessed ‘swearing his b*ll*cks off’? Of course you do
Actor Brian Blessed is a national treasure – a very loud national treasure. As well as his theatre work, he has won over countless TV viewers in I, Claudius, Z Cars, Flash Gordon and The Black Adder, to name just a few.
Can you honestly say you didn’t just hear this in your head?
As well as having the most famously booming voice in the acting world, Brian has what your grandma might call ‘a potty mouth’.
Film and TV editor The Sting has stitched some examples together – and it’s absolutely glorious. Plus NSFW, obviously.
Is Brian Blessed trending?
Here's 2 minutes of the great man swearing his bollocks off.
This'll probably be the best thing you'll see today. pic.twitter.com/GIx2dLpbdp— The Sting (@TSting18) August 6, 2023
It hit the sweet spot for tweeters.
Lol one of my favorite actors!! I’ve had days where I needed to swear like this!🤣🤣 https://t.co/ZXXn6Lurdo
— LONG HAUL VOTER-# Resistor Tasha 🇹🇹🇺🇸🌊🌈 (@Socasiren2) August 6, 2023
This is Absafuckinglutely fucking fabulous 😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/mwUblkCVoT
— julie anne Feck the Tories ! ! (@stoneyrocks) August 6, 2023
Crying with laughter way before the end https://t.co/r9w17nw7se
— trustingmind (@trustingmind) August 6, 2023
I think he invented 1 or 2 new swears here. I’ll know for certain when Merriam Webster publishes new words on their site at the end of the year. pic.twitter.com/eychILljGU
— Scott Davenport (@IScottDavenport) August 7, 2023
Olympic level swearing. https://t.co/tw4OPD6m3x
— James Upright (@JamesUpright) August 6, 2023
If you’re having a bad day, this is pretty good advice.
Do yourself a favour and watch this on a loop. #BrianBlessed #Legend https://t.co/P6g745je2w
— Kerry Fowlerどノ (@kerryfowler_) August 6, 2023
Brian Blessed’s heckler put down is not sophisticated but it’s very satisfying
Source The Sting Image Screengrab