
This mother sloth being reunited with her baby is a perfect timeline cleanser

Despite its name, the Jaguar Rescue Center in Costa Rica is about much more than rescuing jaguars. The sanctuary rehabilitates and houses birds, reptiles, marsupials and other mammals, such as big cats, bats and sloths.

They have devised an ingenious way of reuniting baby sloths with their mothers when the two become separated, and this clip shows it working out very well for one pair of the endangered animals.

They explained –

“We are happy to announce that we were able to reunite this mother and baby 3-fingered sloths (Bradypus variegatus).🦥

On May 10, one of the staff members found the baby crying on the floor near the beach. He spotted the mom on the tree, but she was climbing back to the canopy🌳, so he brought the baby for a check-up with the vet, the sloth was healthy and didn’t have any injuries.

We recorded the cry of the baby and played it near the tree to get the mom’s attention, we waited patiently until the mom came down for the baby.

✨The JRC created this method a few years ago, we use it every time to be able to reunite mom and baby sloths.

❤️It melts our hearts every time we can witness the reunion of a mom and her baby.”

It melted the hearts of these Instagram users, too.

Oh just too cute!!

I’m not crying.

Thank u so much. 🥰🤍🦥🤍

The heartwarming clip was recently shared on Twitter, by the wonderful Buitengebieden.

Tweeters enjoyed the special moment.






It reminded us of this.

If you want to make a donation to the Jaguar Rescue Center, you can do that here.


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Source Jaguar Rescue Center Image Screengrab