
This entitled bride is furious her fiancé won’t get a second job to pay for her dream wedding and the internet spoke as one

Latest in an occasional series, ‘bride of the week’ is surely this woman who found herself spending so much time planning her dream wedding that she quit her job just so she can give it the attention it deserves.

Unfortunately, this hasn’t helped when it comes to paying for her mega nuptials. So she came up with the obvious solution – ask her fiancé to get a second job.

But he doesn’t sound entirely keen on the idea and, well, best have a read for yourself in this post which has just gone viral on Reddit.

‘I had a bad feeling about her,’ said Lara_OA who shared it.

And the entire internet – well, the bits we’ve looked at – spoke as one.

‘Listen baby, I have good news and bad news. The good news is I’m about to save us $80,000.’

‘Bad news is, I am saving $80,000.’

‘He’ll be saving much, much more than that! ;P’

‘She’ll either bankrupt him with the wedding or in the divorce.’

‘I have an ex like this. They sandbagged me in front of their family saying I needed to go to my boss and demand more money… I then pointed out to everyone how I made 3x what they did and asked what they were doing to get more money.

‘After we got divorced (I left), they had to pay back credit cards and could only get a place their parents bought. Meanwhile I bought a house.’

Source Reddit u/Lara_OA Image Unsplash Jessica Favaro