It’s no wonder cats sleep all day if they do this all night
The night-time antics of one pet cat have been caught on camera – and it’s enough to put some people off ever living with a feline housemate.
Here’s what happened.
Cats.. 😂 pic.twitter.com/UPNiVhdzsH
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden) August 23, 2023
Not all cats act like that, obviously. Some are out trapping frogs and mice so they can bring them to their owners in the morning. They’re generous like that.
Tweeters had a lot to say about the catastrophically restless pet.
ok this cat is insane. pic.twitter.com/6qNVHcxZmx
— Scott Weinberg (@scottEmovienerd) August 23, 2023
This cat would never be in my bedroom lol https://t.co/yS0vztJd0r
— Kat Hunter (@CaniacChic) August 23, 2023
The girl: *Gets woken up every 5 minutes*
Meanwhile, the guy's quality of sleep: pic.twitter.com/0lKk05J8Dq
— Still N⁸ 🌿 (@NeedBatteries) August 23, 2023
This CAT sleep deprivation tragedy MUST STOP @PastorAlexLove pic.twitter.com/CAdNg1N4X7
— stoicwoof (@StoicwookieWoof) August 23, 2023
Monty is 100% the monster who bites/plays with exposed body parts at night, so my husband and I have started sleeping tucked in like kindergarteners with as little flesh above the covers as possible. https://t.co/5UkL5aZy7U
— Cherie Priest, Allegedly (@cmpriest) August 23, 2023
In the morning pic.twitter.com/cg4zh9pMPm
— Mmlolerbb (@mmlolerbb) August 23, 2023
Get a cat, they said, it will be fun….. https://t.co/ctFuoMIB5k
— Rock Chick Bakes! (@isitedibleyet) August 23, 2023
This is the reason we sleep with the bedroom door closed. https://t.co/AgbMgYPI2a
— Acclaimed Animologist Kăskă 🏳️⚧️🐀 (@KaskaJessica) August 23, 2023
This isn’t a pet, this is a demon https://t.co/HeVHA5yGap
— MockingbirdNation stands with the WGA (@tgshepherdvan) August 23, 2023
Funniest most catty thing ever.
pic.twitter.com/96ypP3qLly— Farrah (@australianwoma1) August 23, 2023
I would take this fucking cat back to the pound, jesus https://t.co/1Lv6o059LT
— Kaiser@Celebitchy (@KaiseratCB) August 23, 2023
Finally, spare a thought for those with multiple cats like that one.
This is me every morning x3 https://t.co/R9vcnyOGKy
— Miss Molly (@missy_molly_mol) August 23, 2023
Kitten vs Roomba is the only proof you need that pet cats are related to tigers
Source @buitengebieden Image Screengrab