
People have been sharing tales of the fastest they saw someone fired – 17 record-breakers


‘Worked at an ISP back in the 90s and had a guy working late shift. Found out quickly he wasn’t answering the phone at all, but just playing video games. He was warned.

‘Next day he walks in to work with a Voodoo2 graphics card to install in his work computer to improve the game playing. Fired before he sat down.’


‘Dude’s first day, on a team next to mine gets an assignment, as soon as the lead leaves the area he leans over to another guy and threatens that if he doesn’t do his work for him he’s going to “kick his ass after work”.

‘I got up to the managers, we walked over and escorted him out. He was there all of 2 hours.
On his way out he’s knocking over chairs and screaming that he’ll be “waiting for us in the parking lot”. Fuckin nuts.’


‘Dude showed up to his first day after taking acid. Told the boss his acid kicked in.’


‘New person got access to medical records system. Week 2 – Looked up our boss and bragged about it. Was Walked out and gone the second week.’


‘During drop-off hours, our preschool receptionist decided she needed to have coffee asap.

‘Instead of heading down to our staff room and making a pot, she decided to leave our whole school unlocked and left to go down to Biggby Coffee.

‘That was a big no no. She was fired as soon as she came back.’


‘My first job was in a small grocery store and my boss asked a coworker to do the dishes in the bakery (baking pans, etc).

‘She replied: “I only do my own dishes, somebody else put these here so I’m not doing them. I’m serious. Fire me if you want, I won’t do them.”

‘Boss says “Okay then, don’t bother finishing your shift, goodbye!”


‘Worked at a grocery store a few years ago. A new guy was hired and on the second day on the job, he was caught stealing food.

‘He would grab items off the shelves and walk to the break room and eat them.’


‘Saw someone in a customer service/intake position gone in about 15 minutes.

‘They had specifically been hired to take Spanish speaking calls, and had told the company she was bilingual im English/Spanish.

‘She couldn’t actually speak any Spanish. Not sure how she faked her way through the interview.’

Source Reddit u/Quintowne Image Unsplash Tarik Haiga