
This unexpected Tinder exchange was purrfectly infuriating

As you will no doubt already be aware, we’re not strangers to sharing funny, outrageous, or generally just eye-popping exchanges from Tinder.

And this one is a classic of the genre and might just be a little bit of all three.

‘Yeh I unmatched her,’ said kez248 who shared it over on Reddit.

And here’s exactly what people made of that.

‘I had a girlfriend that wanted me to get rid my my dog, a sweet golden retriever who’s only crime was shedding, and I of course chose my dog, but that’s not because he came first but because she was making unreasonable demands.’

‘My ex would get jealous of my cat. One time she got really angry with me because i was being affectionate with my cat in ways I never was with her (i guess a baby voice?)

‘And she said some mean things. So i replied “my cat was here before you, and she’ll be here after you too” and i was right.’

‘It’s super odd in general to start a conversation with ranking importance. I get it could be a joke if you played into it but still it’s just uncomfortable to be told an animal will always be above you as a start to a conversation.

‘I just feel like it’s a given I mean animals can’t fend for themselves that we’ll so yeah they need that attention… obviously.’

‘People saying the pet comes first.

‘In what sense? Like if I had a cat and my partner said to get rid of them, they can fuck off. But if my partner considered their pet to be ahead of me in our relationship, she ain’t for me.

‘No your kitten doesn’t come first lol.’

‘Am I the only one thinking it was a joke about orgasms? Surely not!’

‘I definitely, having re-read it 5x, think it was about an actual cat. Sorry, Ive met these types before. And I have 3 cats.’

Last word to the original poster …

‘I don’t see where she was joking. At no point was there a haha or 😂. I don’t see how anyone can derive she’s talking about her pussy when there is an option for partner.’

Source Reddit u/kez248