
People have been sharing the things they’ve learned never, ever to mess with – 23 nailed on no-nos


‘Not immediately washing and disinfecting an open wound.’




‘Aggressive drivers. Just let them go.’


‘Being careless in the shower.

‘A few years ago, I was showering and I forgot the new bottle of conditioner sitting in the counter. I slipped on some shampoo residue in a rush to get out of the shower (because no likey cold air).

‘I slammed my ribs against the porcelain tub. Completely knocked the wind out of me, but I somehow managed to crawl out of the shower and bathroom to make it to my phone, genuinely thinking I would have to call an ambulance to take my naked ass to the hospital.

‘Thankfully that wasn’t necessary as I laid down and caught my breath, but I had pretty bad rib pain for at least a month after (and only a TINY bruise to show for it!). After that experience I could absolutely see how falling in the shower can kill a person.

‘Anyway, now I don’t rush when exiting the shower and I always bring my phone in the bathroom because that naked, wet crawl on the floor to retrieve it was humiliating and I’d rather not go through it again.’


‘Garage door springs. Pay a professional to mess with that shit.’


‘Head injuries.’


‘The ocean or any body of water, really.’


‘Trusting people’s blinkers to mean they are turning.’


‘Dudes with cauliflower ears.’


‘Cat bites.

‘I love cats, but got bit by one once. Spent 3 days in the hospital and there were talks of amputating 2 of my fingers and maybe 1/2 of another finger. Had intense IV antibiotics and came out fine but was scary for a couple days.’


‘The HR frequent flyer. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t do anything wrong, they will still make your work life unbearably annoying if you dare upset them.’

And finally, this.

‘Chickens while there are chicks present.

‘My brother is a cruel little shit who liked being mean to animals while we were kids. He liked hurting them for the feeling of power it gave him. So he hurt a lot of small wildlife, like frogs and garter snakes and mice. When that stopped being enough he decided to go after livestock.

‘We had chickens. There was a great big rooster and his ladies and all of them had chicks. My job was to take care of the chickens, feed, water them, collect eggs, ect.

‘My brother was bigger and stronger than me so one day he decided to have ‘fun’ and grabbed up one of the little chicks in the coop and squeezed it until it started to scream for help. My attempts to stop him did nothing.

‘Now the chickens were used to me picking up the chicks and petting them. So they weren’t alarmed when my brother picked up the chick. When it screamed however, all hell broke loose.

‘All the chickens went after him, going for his face and eyes. The rooster had spurs on his legs over an inch long and he cut big grooves on my brother’s face, missing his eyes by millimeters. They swarmed him and bullied him until he dropped the chick and ran out of the coop crying with blood on his face.

‘He was 10 at the time and should have known better. Did he stop being mean to animals? No. Did they punish him for it when they could? The animals sure did.

‘Chickens are very much like the cuccos in the Zelda games. If you hurt one they will all swarm you.’


Source Reddit u/ViolatingBadgers Image Pexels Tirachard Kumtanom