Weird World

This hilariously entitled credit card thief is surely the dumbest criminal you’ll read about this year

There are clever criminals, there are lucky criminals, and there are dumb criminals. Very, very dumb criminals. And they surely don’t come much dumber than this.

It’s a tale shared on Reddit by AshesfallforAshton who said: ‘Person who hacked my credit card emailed me asking why I canceled his flight.’

‘My credit card was hacked. I think the guy did it by hacking my gmail account. Because he signed up for Priceline, with the login with gmail button.

‘I called my bank and canceled it. I logged into Priceline to see if I could get any information about the person who booked the flight. I saw I could cancel it for no charge. So I did because it was going to be faster to get a refund from Priceline than my bank.

‘Two days later I got this email. It had his photo and phone number. It matched the name on the flight too.’

And here it is!

Extraordinary scenes.

And here are just a few of the many, many things people said about it.

‘There’s zero chance of me ignoring that email. I am 100% responding.’

‘Sending it immediately to my banks fraud department is my response.’

‘Why would you do that to him? He has a family event to attend. Have you no heart?’

‘This guy is one of the stupidest criminals I’ve ever seen lol.’

‘Tell him you’re a Nigerian prince, who needed to cancel his flight so that you could get on it to visit his family, to give them a portion of your great inheritance.’

‘Reminds me of when some guys broke into my house, stole my phone, and then took a group photo with it, it got automatically uploaded to my google account along with their location, I took it to the police and they did absolutely nothing about it lmao.

‘Makes me laugh every time I see it.’

Source Reddit u/AshesfallforAshton Image Unsplash Chuttersnap