
Dan Walker didn’t get the anger at his smiley pic with Lee Anderson so these 9 people were only too happy to help

Former BBC Breakfast man Dan Walker is now the face of news and current affairs over on Channel 5, and for his latest assignment he sat in a park to have tea and biscuits with deputy chair of the Conservative party, Lee Anderson.

We know this because he mentioned it on Twitter, along with a pic of the happy couple.

And it’s fair to say not everyone welcomed the prospect with open arms. So much so that Walker was prompted to return to Twitter to express his disbelief at some of the responses it prompted.

We don’t know about any threats, but if Walker was bemused why people might be angry, these 9 people were only too happy to set him straight.










In the interests of balance and all that, here’s what Anderson made of it.

If you want to accept Anderson’s bet, we’re sure he’ll be only too happy to follow it up.

Still, proof of the pudding will be in the watching, right? Thursday on Channel 5.

Source Twitter @mrdanwalker