
‘The History of Adults Blaming the Younger Generation’ tells a familiar and never-ending story

Earlier this year, the excellent History Hustle YouTube account shared proof that the older generation moaning about the younger generation is a tale as old as time*.

*Please don’t sue us, Disney.

See what you think.

Some things just never change – apparently.

Here are a few things YouTube users had to say about it.

Showed this to my mom and she said my generation is lost and to do the dishes 💀

It translates to:

“I worked to give my child an easier life than mine and now I am resentful that I apparently was successful in doing so”

And that’s why it’s important to learn history. To learn from our mistakes and to stop repeating ourselves for the hundredth time.

The video has just popped up again, this time on Reddit’s r/DamnThatsInteresting forum, where it’s picked up more than 45,000 upvotes and almost 2,000 comments in just 17 hours.

Here are some of our favourites.

The lesson is that some youth are rebellious, and some of them turn into grumpy farts eventually. Often they are the same people.

My dad had a t-shirt that said ‘Age and Treachery will always overcome youth and skill.’

I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when I caught him cheating at boardgames.

Kids are dicks these days.


“I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!” – Abe Simpson

All women in 1843 wanna do is ride coal carts, whistle, eat hot chip and lie.

“I didnt ask to be born!!! This is all your fault!!”

— Every single young person since humanity could speak.

2001: how dare these people go walking and climbing instead of working ?

1950s: wow do these lazy kids even know what walking is?

I’ve seen old people whine about “kids these days don’t play outside!” and also whine about the noisy kids in the neighborhood playing outside and making noise. They just want to whine.

Even as simple as songs and music. Observe how each gen thinks next gen songs suck.
Cesare Bach

It isn’t old v. young. It’s YOU, 100%, at different stages of life, knowledge and wisdom.

Lather, rinse, repeat, ad infinitum.

LunaMunaLagoona had some wise words.

To be honest this whole thing works both ways.

Older people think they know better due to experience.

Younger people think they know better because they’re more modern.

The truth lies in the middle.


The classic ‘Class System’ sketch works perfectly for the generation gap

Source History Hustle H/T r/DamnThatsInteresting Image Screengrab