
The fabulously ill-judged sign on this most unfortunate water cooler has just gone viral again and it’s one for the ages

We like a stupid funny – or should that be funny stupid? – sign as much as the next person, and they work at Buzzfeed.

But this one really is straight out of the top drawer, a fabulously ill-judged message on this most unfortunate water cooler which has just gone viral on Reddit. And not for the first time, we reckon, because, well, look.

‘Someone needs science class,’ said HsRapidity who shared it.


‘Anyone can drink it once.’

‘I hope there’s a rad-away vending machine next to this one.’

‘Just take some rad-x before hand.’

‘Uraaaanium fever has gone and got me down….’

‘This is perfect signage, from a legal perspective. Customer dies: “Not our fault, we literally told them in the name of the product that it was lethal.”

‘Customer complains it was just water: “Are you daft, man? Anyone can see it’s a clever play on words/symbols!”’

And in the unlikely event …

‘For anyone wondering, they wanted to say, “H2O for you”.’

Source Reddit u/HsRapidity