
This person had the best response for someone trying to get headphones on the cheap

Back to the world of ‘choosing beggars’, that corner of Reddit where people are called out for trying to get stuff on the cheap or for free.

And this is a very funny and – gasp – rather wholesome exchange, which you can’t often say about the exchanges which end up here.

It’s a person who had the very best response for someone who made a particularly cheeky offer for this pair of headphones.

‘When you zing a beggar,’ said Glosgirls.


‘At least they took it in the spirit in which it was meant instead of name calling and threats. Good for them, good for you.’

‘This is one of the most wholesome choosing beggar posts I’ve seen. Didn’t think it existed, good on ya.’

Source Reddit u/Glosgirls Image Unsplash Dushawn Jovic