29 of the most idiotic facepalm moments of all time
Stupid is as stupid does, according to Forrest Gump’s mum, and it doesn’t get much more stupid than this. 29 of the most jaw-dropping facepalms from the gallery of idiocy that is r/facepalm on Reddit.
1. Win-win
2. “Some men love dates with friends”
3. That’s not prophecy – it’s probability
4. Spelling matters
5. Have they tried begging?
6. Don’t let these people have tools
7. Onions are superior
8. ‘Gun ownership …’
9. ‘Worst Customer Ever’
10. ‘Burn victim’
11 ‘High IQ destruction’
12. ‘I had to teach a historical geology class because the geologist who was supposed to teach is was a Young Earth Creationist’
13. He may be on a list
14. “A bioweapon against God”
15. Double facepalm