
This BBC News presenter lost the ‘blue moon’ clip so she did this and it will never be eclipsed

It’s not often that you turn on the TV news for a laugh, but this was a wonderful exception to the rule.

It’s a BBC News piece about the rare blue supermoon, the astronomical event that we won’t see again until 2023.

Except BBC News viewers didn’t get to see it either after the producers mislaid the clip.

So presenter Maryam Moshiri did the next best thing – she improvised – and it’s blooming magnificent, as shared by all-round top telly critic and presenter @scottygb over on Twitter.

“I’m so sorry I don’t have pictures to show you. It looked a little bit like this, here you go, supermoon.”

Fabulously done!

Here’s what Maryam – @BBCMaryam on Twitter – had to say about it later.

‘So sorry about this to all the moon lovers all there! We couldn’t pull up the actual pictures so I improvised! ‍♀️

‘I think it is a pretty good impression given what I had to play with!!!!

‘I was never good at drawing circles at school.’

Looks pretty good to us … And when someone suggested she should be first in line for a revamped Tomorrow’s World …

‘I was thinking maybe I could now be sent to the Moon with the Artemis mission? Either that or I’m crazy moon lady ‘

Follow @BBCMaryam on Twitter here! By all accounts she tweets more than, er, once in a blue moon.

And @scottygb here!

Source Twitter @scottygb