
25 eye-opening snapshots of modern life from ‘A Boring Dystopia’ on Reddit

13. ‘Because it’d be just horrible if homeless people were allowed to sleep’


14. ‘Outshine the owner, earn $15/hr’


15. ‘In the Modern Dystopia, You Become the Ad’


16. ‘Did you know we don’t pay our servers a living wage?’


17. ‘Self explanatory’


18. ‘F*ck me’


19. ‘Expensive newbuilds all over the UK with cattle pen-esque gardens’


20. ‘I was told this only happens under communism’


21. ‘Start them young …’


22. ‘The American Dream’


23. ‘Whoever made this billboard can shove it up their ass’


24. ‘Tip (off)’


25. ‘Magic’


BONUS – Our robot overlords will have all the fun.



‘What’s the most f*cked up thing that was generally accepted 20 years ago?’ – 23 proper eye-openers

Source r/boringdystopia Image r/boringdystopia