There’s not enough facepalm in the world to deal with this Trump supporter’s climate change denial
We have to admire the ability of Davram Stiefler and Jason Selvig – The Good Liars – to hear some of the things that come out of the mouths of Trump supporters without bursting out laughing or yelling “F*CK OFF!”
When Davram interviewed this wilting MAGA cultist in Milwaukee, he must have been tempted to get straight on the phone to Alanis.
Watch what happened.
@thegoodliars We talked to this guy on a record-setting hot day at the GOP Debate. #fyp #gopdebate #milwuakee #climatechange #globalwarming #interview #hm ♬ original sound – The Good Liars
“It’s a pretty hot day today, right?”
“Yeah, it’s hot.”
“It’s the all-time record for this date in Milwaukee.”
“Is it? I didn’t know that.”
“Did you catch a little bit of heatstroke earlier?”
“I sure did. But I’ll be alright.”
“What do you think about global warming?”
“I just don’t believe it. I think it’s all fake.”
We know weather isn’t climate, but weather patterns are – and he had enough chances to catch on.
TikTok users brought even more burn.
Literally, in the face of facts!
Almost got it.
Ole Henrik
Every one of these kinds of interview videos, it seems like the person forgets anything before the current question.
They run into it like a freight train into a brick wall and… still don’t get it. Incredible.
When you think you heard them all!!! .
My head just exploded.
Tracy Hentig Wheaton
Is he holding a bag of ice?!?!
Gloppy Joe
Hahahahahaha…we are doomed.
You can tell they’re so used to standing around with other idiots just agreeing with each other mid sentence, never having to explain.
Global Warming is Fake because…whew it’s Hot out here!!
Cordarius Williams
SirTwitchalothad the only reasonable reaction when you consider that this guy is a voter.
I’m laughing and crying at the same time.
The Good Liars made a ‘Pleabill’ for the Trump indictment – and the songs are simply perfect
Source The Good Liars Image Screengrab, cookie_studio on freepik