
People loved Javier Bardem’s answer to this sexist question about working with his wife and it deserves every standing ovation

We didn’t think it was possible for us to love Javier Bardem any more than we already did, but that was before we saw this Q&A which has just gone viral on Reddit for reasons which will become obvious.

It’s the magnificent Spanish actor responding to a question about working with his wife (Penelope Cruz, as if you didn’t know) and his answer had the entire internet giving him a standing ovation.

The chaddest of them all
byu/brodino_maiuscolo inMadeMeSmile

It’s from the Cannes film festival five years ago and the film he was talking about was Everybody Knows (just in case you didn’t know).

Unconfirmed reports suggest the journalist is still suffering PTSD from the look on Bardem’s face.

And not that it needs to get any more outrageous, it turned out Penelope Cruz was actually at the same Q&A.

And here are our favourite things people said about it on Reddit today.

‘He looks like he is about to shoot him with his piercing eyes.’

‘Why are you together if you cant stand your wife lol.’

‘One of my old managers said to me once ‘You must be the only person I know that doesn’t hate his wife’ and I just looked at him and said ‘I don’t even know how to respond to that’.

‘Like what the hell? His mates all sound miserable.

‘Anyway no surprise but him and his missus got a divorce about a year after.’

‘I love how he doesn’t even give an inch, just a stare down with a not-gonna-accept-that-garbage look. As it should be!’

‘I would LOVE to be smart enough to work with my wife!’

‘I wish my wife and I worked together so I could spend more time with her. Sometimes I miss lockdown when we were both wfh and could eat lunch together.’

‘See that sneer as he raises the corner of his mouth and squints his eye shut? Nothing but pure contempt! Keep being classy Javier’

Source Reddit u/brodino_maiuscolo TikTok @_kinotwist_