Weird World

Top marks for ingenuity to this street dancer (and his crew)

We’re not sure what the Highway Code has to say about this, but we’re going to go out on a limb and say it’s probably classed as a hazard. A funny hazard, but still a hazard.

Man dancing in the middle of the road
byu/jeanroch infunny

This is what Redditors thought of it.

I would be so happy if I drove up to that. Would make my day. We need more people like that bringing laughs to people.

Why is the poster singling out the man and not the other 2 dancers?

This is disturbing and delightful. Bravo.

“So, what do you like to do in your free time?”

“Well… let me show you.”

Someone needs to teach that man about VRChat, Blender and Twitch and he’ll be set for life.

That walk up to the car was ultra unsettling.

BrianH-84 wondered about how this happened.

Do I even want to know the backstory to this?

We’re guessing he saw this.


There’s a reason why this dancer’s Tina Turner act has gone viral – see for yourself

Source r/funny Image Screengrab