
This doctor’s response to sexual harassment in the operating theatre is today’s most shocking read

You might very well have seen the news stories this week about female surgeons being sexually assaulted while operating.

A major analysis of NHS staff reported that 30% of female surgeons who responded said they had been sexually assaulted, 29% of women had experienced unwanted physical advances at work, more than 40% had received uninvited comments about their body and 38% received sexual “banter” at work.

Almost 90% of women said they had witnessed sexual misconduct in the past five years, with 81% of men giving the same answer.

And we mention it because of this letter to the Times which went viral today and it’s an extraordinary read.

Just in case that’s tricky to read in full, here it is again.

We’re lost for words.

Fortunately, these people weren’t.








To conclude …

Oh, and this.

Tim Gurner, you say?

Source Twitter @doctor_oxford