
Alan Partridge’s hilarious commentary on the King’s Coronation is ruddy marvellous

More than 20 million Brits watched the TV coverage of the coronation of King Charles in May this year. A huge audience, but we feel it could have been larger still if a certain Alan Partridge had been doing the commentary for the historic event.

Now, thanks to one of the latest editions of the brilliant Alan Partridge podcast From the Oasthouse we can experience just what a Partridge commentary would be like by playing the podcast at the same time as watching the BBC coronation coverage available on iPlayer.

It’s exquisitely hilarious…

And a bit more…

Ruddy marvellous.

Here’s what people made of it…

In short, this.

And the final word to Partridge co-writers, Neil and Rob Gibbons.

There’s a new Partridge book coming out, Big Beacon, and we can’t wait. Find out more about it here and on Audible over here.

And if you don’t listen to it already, the fabulous From The Oasthouse podcast is over here.

Thanks to Kate Lister for sharing. Back of the net!

Source Twitter @k8_lister