
Sean Lock on Russell Brand has gone wildly viral for reasons which will be obvious

A clip of the late, great Sean Lock from back in the day discussing Russell Brand on Eight out of 10 Cats has just gone wildly viral on Twitter for reasons we presumably don’t need to go into now.

Just in case that’s tricky to watch, here it is again on YouTube.

This exchange, from the Channel 4 show in 2014, was one of a number of videos that went viral as Brand faces accusations of rape and sexual assault said to be from a period between 2006 and 2013 – all of which he has since denied.

There was also this one – Bob Geldof’s NSFW take on Brand at the NME Awards back in 2006.

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about the Eight out of 10 Cats clip today.

In short …

And because we’re talking Sean Lock, there was another clip of the great man that went viral this week. And it’s got nothing to do with Russell Brand.

The brilliant Sean Lock died in 2021 and is still much missed today.

Source Twitter @dannylax80 YouTube @theoracleofoz