
That GB News beef over Russell Brand looks like it will run and run and we can’t stop watching

You might have seen that extraordinary on-air clash between GB News presenters Andrew Pierce and Bev Turner when Turner called Russell Brand ‘a ‘hero’ after the weekend allegations emerged against the comedian.

To (briefly) recap, here’s what Turner said on Twitter.

And this is what Daily Mail columnist Pierce, not exactly everyone’s idea of a hero but in this case they made an exception, had to say in response.

That wasn’t the end of it, obviously, with Turner going back on Twitter to say this.

To which Pierce replied …

All of which has made the GB News morning show required viewing all of a sudden. Well, for a day or two anyway. And a fascinating insight – of sorts – into what GB News presumably regards as ‘balance’.

We’re with @AvaSantina.


Source Twitter @AvaSantina