
Over-40s are sharing the life lessons they wish they’d known sooner – 19 tips to die for

People of a certain vintage – alright then, over 40s – have been sharing the life lessons they wish they’d known sooner after zombiepunkrocker asked this over on Reddit.

‘People 40 years old or more. What is some advice for the younger people?’

And you don’t have to be a young person to take something – quite a lot of things, even – from these 19 tips, which are invariably wise and occasionally entirely relatable.


‘You know that dream that seems nuts to pursue? Do it now.

‘When you’re old, with a house and a mortgage and a dog, shit like “I want to make a movie” get much more complicated.’


‘Love life — it is short. Be grateful for everything. The biggest burden you’ll carry is your own thoughts. Learn to live in the present. The past is just a memory and the future is just your imagination.”

‘You don’t have to accept the negative self-dialogue; be the watcher of those thoughts and learn to let them go. You are braver than you believe, smarter than you think, stronger than you seem, and loved more than you know.’


‘No one really cares what you do — and the sooner you can accept it, the sooner you can be at peace with yourself.’

‘I came in here to say basically the same thing. No one cares about anything and no one is paying attention to you. Just live your life how you want, because it will all be over soon.’


‘Don’t cheap out on a mattress, pillows or shoes. Cut back on the sugar. Do NOT bring work home with you.’


’40 isn’t old.’


‘Don’t waste time being the person other people think you should be, and instead be the person you want to be.’


‘Don’t take yourself too seriously, whatever you do you’ll probably look back ten years later mildly mortified at how deep you thought you were.

‘You’re just another confused human not destined for greatness and there’s no grand scheme in which you matter one bit, so just chill.’


‘Don’t fall into the trap of thinking everyone else your age has something that you don’t and you feel hopelessly behind and like a failure.

‘Once you’re out of school, there are no timelines anymore. You are not supposed to do anything by any particular point in your life. Everyone is different.

‘Life is very long and you will have many chances to do things.’


‘Stop. You won’t ever be the perfect image of yourself in your head.’


‘It’s okay and healthy to sit in silence. Put down your phone, leave your earphones in your pocket, and just be. It’s important to not constantly be stimulated.’