‘AITA for telling my daughter’s classmate’s mom to f-off about what I put in my daughter’s lunch?’
A Redditor named u/Patel-Clouds-808 had a lot to get off her chest on r/AmITheAsshole. Here’s what she called her post.
AITA for telling one of my daughters classmates moms to fuck off about what I put in my daughters lunch?
See whether you think she’s an ‘asshole’.
‘For some context before the story, I (38f) cook asian foods regularly for dinner and for my daughter, Lily’s (7f) lunches at school. This is because my family enjoys these foods, I like to cook these foods, and my mom cooked a bunch of these foods growing up since she’s half Japanese.
Often times I’ll either give my daughter some leftovers from last nights dinner, plus a fruit/veggie and a snack, or I’ll make her a quick little bento box or some other thing really quick.
So, after school one day, my daughter wanted to play on the playground for a bit before we went home. I said she could play for a few minutes, and she ran off to play. I was waiting next to this other parent, who we’ll call Debra. While I was waiting, Debra came up to me.
Debra: Are you Lily’s mother?
Me: Oh, yeah, I am, why?
Debra: Well, your daughter’s lunches have been bothering my son, and I would like to ask you to pack something else.
Me: What? How are they bothering him?
She then proceeded to start talking about how her son was complaining about my daughter’s lunches smelling terrible, and that he thought it was disgusting. She also said her son didn’t eat most of his lunch because he was so grossed out.
Me: Okay…I understand your son doesn’t like the smell, but can’t he just sit somewhere else?
Debra: Are you kidding me? My son shouldn’t have to put up with whatever crap you make your daughter bring to this school. It’s disgusting!
And she started making more vaguely racist complaints, but I was fed up at this point.
Me: Listen, I understand your son might not like my daughters food, but he can very easily just not sit next to her. I’m not changing what’s in my daughters lunches because you and your kid don’t want to exist near Asian food. Fuck off.
She angrily stomped off with her kid then, and my daughter finished playing soon after, so we went home.
I talked to my husband about it, and he said that maybe I shouldn’t have told her to fuck off, to avoid her bothering us in the future. AITA?’
Redditors were furious on her behalf.
Fuck off was the nicest thing you could have said to her.
I would make a point of emailing the school or speaking to the teacher to request the boy not be put anywhere near her daughter because of his mother’s racist request.
Setting a firm boundary with a colorful exclamation usually does a wonderful job in preventing a busybody parent from bothering you in the future.
I’m not surprised a little kid said “icky and gross” about a classmate’s food, but I am surprised that the kid’s adult grown ass mother actually confronted another mom with the words instead of teaching her kid manners.
I absolutely despise the smell of cantaloupe and cooked cabbage but if someone had it (rightfully so) I would just sit somewhere else. No one is entitled to dictate someone else’s food!
Someone in my office regularly microwaves fish…the rest of us just gag and move on with our days.
If you run into her again, be sure to tell her to fuck off for me as well.
He’s a kid. There are probably a lot of foods he’s not used to that he wouldn’t like the smell of. He is going to need to get used to it.
Tru-Button-6471 was sympathetic, but would have chosen option B.
I would have laughed at her rather than telling her to FO.
In case you were wondering, Redditors naturally voted her Not The Asshole.
A barista subtly called out a rude customer – and asks “Am I the Asshole?”
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