What could go wrong putting the world’s hottest chilli in a bong?
The Carolina Reaper is the hottest chilli in the world, measuring as much as 2.2 million Scoville heat units, compared to up to 8000 for a very hot jalapeno.
It should be approached with extreme caution and not, for example, smoked in a bong!
— Fck Around N Find Out (@FAFO_TV) September 26, 2023
The classic clip, shared by the very apt @FAFO_TV, should be filed squarely under ‘Don’t try this at home’.
Tweeters had no sympathy, but they did have some funny comments.
I have some dude named Darwin on the phone. Says he wants to speak with you.
— Pizz (@ThePizzMan) September 26, 2023
Why? Just why? https://t.co/x9TmChQIm0
— Rob Arnol (@RobertArnol) September 26, 2023
If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough. https://t.co/aTHxzShHnK
— T T B (@TTB_72) September 27, 2023
I don’t think hitting a hot chili pepper via bong is the move bro https://t.co/ZIcDUemTFI
— anon (@ssjkiri) September 27, 2023
Fave band: Red Hot Chili Peppers. https://t.co/tMACy5rEni
— Isobel Oakeshitt (@isobeloakeshitt) September 26, 2023
Amoebas don’t do this it could actually kill you.. https://t.co/yOSNwDOWl1
— PabloHippo (@Pablo_01618) September 27, 2023
I cant watch. Somebody tell me what happens
— BeardedALTS| (@beardedalts) September 26, 2023
Bro woke up and decided he hates functioning lungs
— arbsy.eth (@itsarbsy) September 26, 2023
Doctor after asking what happened: pic.twitter.com/di2YLWWQkV
— shoveseason (33.3%) (@JohnBol23205388) September 27, 2023
The answer to the question – why do women live longer than men.
— Espiritu (@espirituencasa) September 26, 2023
legends say he coughing till this day
— Ɖusk (@69dogecoin) September 26, 2023
Bong guy’s stupidity was hazardous for other people’s health too.
I’ve no idea what he’s doing but I’ve almost asphyxiated myself through laughing https://t.co/Ek4E9oP56W
— john_bells_boots (@soobysnax35) September 27, 2023
This Darwin Award winner near miss is the most jaw-dropping thing you’ll watch this week
Source @FAFO_TV Image Screengrab