
Cardiff Museum illustrated exactly why you should keep your hands off the exhibits and it’s a fascinating insight

Next time you’re in a museum and the sign says ‘hands off!’ (or something similar) then this is why.

It’s a fascinating exhibit all by itself, from the good people of Cardiff Museum, which has just gone viral on Reddit.

‘Cardiff Museum’s Marble Exhibit,’ said Caljino who shared it.

Just in case that’s tricky to read (forgive us if we only do the English) …

‘Museums have good reasons for asking people not to touch things.

‘The vase is made from carved marble. If every visitor to the gallery touched it, it would soon become dirty.

‘We want you to touch this piece of marble.

‘Look at the difference between the surface people have been touching and the area that hasn’t been touched.’


‘This is clever. I’ve noticed in life that you can’t just tell people not to do something. You have to say why, and if you can SHOW them, even better.’

‘Those are some stubby fingers.’

‘I bet for the first few weeks or months of this being installed this thing confused the hell out of guests.’

‘Lol, if you translate the Welsh version it says “Ignore that other note; it’s just for the filthy English. Go ahead and touch the vase if no one is looking!”

Source Reddit u/Caljino