Please enjoy this Christian’s scriptural takedown of a bigoted Texan bill proposal

Back in April, the Texas Senate approved a bill that would result in every classroom in the state having to display a large poster of the Ten Commandments.

Before it could become law, Senate Bill 1515 was discussed and examined by a House Committee, which happened to include Democratic Rep. James Talarico – a devout Christian.

Perhaps surprisingly, he wasn’t in favour of the bill, and this beautifully expresses why.

@rogue.atheist At least there are still some intelligent, compassionate Christians left who respect the #constitution and the #firstamendment and welcome all students! Thank you Rep Talarico for defending religious freedom in Texas! #religiousliberty #religiousfreedom #establishmentclause #separationofchurchandstate #christiannationalism #christofascists ♬ original sound – Rogue.atheist

Say ‘foundational’ one more time.

TikTok was here for it.

That silence mid way through was golden.

I don’t know who this guy is but I actually love him and I hope he lives the best most fruitful life anyone can manage with many loved ones.

I need him on my school board.

Wow! Amazing. Mic was dropped.
JoJo Granados

This dude got bars.
Richard Ortiz

Amen, brother!
Pastor Mark

This guy should run for President.

I guess she missed history. This country was NOT FOUNDED ON RELIGION.
Jihanna Bueno

Religious liberty means freedom FROM religion as well as freedom to practice whichever one you choose. The US is not a christian nation.

Take a shot every time she says historical or foundational and you’d be drunk in 30 seconds.
Does it Matter?

Once more for those at the back …

Hi all, any idea if the commandments are foundational?


The takedown of this Christian who is against gay marriage is simple but brutally effective (if only he realised it)

Source rogue.atheist Image Screengrab