We’ve watched this ‘floating’ man five times and still don’t know how he does it
On the r/blackmagicfuckery subreddit, u/frituurgarnituur has shared this complete headwrecker of a stunt that we can’t quite pin down.
See if you can. Then film yourself doing it and send it to us with an explanation.
How is he floating?
byu/frituurgarnituur inblackmagicfuckery
See what we mean? How? Just how?
Anyway, here’s what Reddit users had to add.
It’s called a jubi-slide.
Sorry – and he’s in CROCS?!?!?
“Mama said these was my magic legs”
Skipping with style.
Anime is real.
It’s really funny if you cover up his feet. It looks less like “floating” and more like “falling down the stairs”.
Plenty of people had theories/explanations, though we don’t know how correct or useful any of them are.
His knees were low and he was on his heels
He’s jumping from leg to leg (essentially skipping) while keeping astounding control of his body while in the air to make it look like he’s floating.
It’s kind of like sleight of hand but with the feet, your eyes follow the foot he puts forward naturally, he holds in the air making it look like it’s floating
Looks likes he’s jumping with the back foot toward. Front foot doesn’t touch the ground until it becomes the back foot which then jumps again, front foot isn’t touching the ground. Kind of like that invisible box jump people used to do. But much smaller.
Looks like he steps on his heel and kicks up his other leg at the same time to jump and “float”
sirmattiasthe712th had the definitive answer.
Magnets. It’s always magnets.
This card-throwing trick shot is beyond next-level stuff
Source r/blackmagicfuckery Image Screengrab