Someone tried to scam Derren Brown and everyone made the same joke (well, nearly everyone)
The great Derren Brown took time out from bamboozling all and sundry to warn people about the dangers of phone scammers.
In particular, this phone scammer who was by all accounts talking to the mentalist and entertainer for an hour or so.
Kept scammer for an hour on phone claiming to be from bank’s fraud dept. Fascinating. Be alert for:
Withheld number,
‘Messaging you through bank app’ when it’s just security messages generated by their attempts to spend your money,
Being made to feel flustered, confused or…— Derren Brown (@DerrenBrown) October 16, 2023
Kept scammer for an hour on phone claiming to be from bank’s fraud dept. Fascinating. Be alert for:
Withheld number,
‘Messaging you through bank app’ when it’s just security messages generated by their attempts to spend your money,
Being made to feel flustered, confused or under pressure,
Asking for OTP passcodes from texts, mothers maiden name, log in details to ‘reset your password’ (don’t!)
Being told that just ending the call puts you at risk
Being told moving money to different account puts it at risk
Nice touch: background answerphone playing combining ‘fraud team opening hours’
And its purpose, it turned out was twofold.
One, a handy reminder what to do if one of these nasty pieces of work targets you. And two, it enabled lots of people – well, quite a few people – to make the same joke.
And it was an absolute treat.
First day on the job as a scammer.
"Hello, Derren Brown speaking."
That's the last thing you remember before you wake up in a post-apocalyptic world, wearing a blooded gown and surrounded by zombies.
— Gordon (@gorcampbell) October 17, 2023
Imagine trying to scam Derrem Brown & waking the next morning to find it’s your bank account that’s been cleared out https://t.co/APRtgczukP
— Tom Jamieson (@jamiesont) October 17, 2023
Oh man, you must be the perfect person to pick up their calls. Surprised you didn’t convince him to own up and turn himself in.
— Brightonian (@PursuitOfTruthB) October 16, 2023
Quite amused by the thought of a phone scammer finding himself on the line with Derren Brown! Tricky. https://t.co/3Vd4GrQo6z
— Phil Harrison (@MrPMHarrison) October 16, 2023
Oof, nice. That beats my 25 minutes, when I pretended to tap on a keyboard, got him to repeat everything he was asking me to do, then say it back to him slightly wrong. In the end, he got wise and called me an effing liar. “You started it,” I said. <click brrrrrrr>
— Scimmia Lustrini (@monkeyspangles) October 16, 2023
“Tell me who you are. Wait, you don’t need to do anything. I already know.”
— Aaron Bennett (@AaronDBennett) October 16, 2023
Surprised you didn't convince him to give you his bank details.
— Sean Rhodes (@TheADHD_DBA) October 16, 2023
Imagine ringing this geezer up to scam him. From then on every time someone rings a little bell you suddenly burst into song and start body popping before handing all your money to strangers. https://t.co/9zVeit9AWf
— Aidan Kelly (@AidanKe42592122) October 17, 2023
I imagine at the end of the call the scammer sent Derren money! https://t.co/3r0Jg4snh4
— Rt. Hon. Alan B’Stard MP (@NoWayWoke) October 16, 2023
Imaging being a scammer and getting through to @DerrenBrown though. I’m sure by the end of the call the scammer was Would be a great TV series https://t.co/7Q0iPj3vdz
— Sarah Burr (@SarahEHBurr) October 16, 2023
And let me guess, the scammer went away desperately wanting a BMX?
— Cavan (@cavguyb) October 16, 2023
Receiving one of these calls, my daughter always sets herself the task of getting the scammer's credit card number. https://t.co/Lknph03w77
— Adrian Bowyer (@adrianbowyer) October 16, 2023
Imagine that scammer realising they were trying to scam Derren Brown of all people
— Michael (@MikeALAWMOT) October 16, 2023
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