This video about asking dad for help is today’s loveliest and most relatable watch
At the risk of sticking our neck out – what the hell, let’s do it – we reckon this is today’s loveliest and most relatable watch.
It’s a video which fabulously captures the spirit of what happens when you ask a dad for help and has just gone viral in the corner of Reddit called ‘made me smile’.
And just a few of the things people said about it.
‘The foot opening the gate .’
ejusdemgeneris‘Seriously. This shot made it for me, too.’
cookiecookjuicyjuice‘I would have loved having a dad like that!’
tiggerpedmondson‘OMG I LOVE this! Wish my dad was here (alive) to kick the gate open with his foot!’
malisangel‘New Balance + tucked in Tshirt’
jennasea412‘I’m old, but not a dad, and I keep a tool bag in the back of my SUV at all times. Half of the time someone needs help fixing something, I don’t even have to swing by my garage.
‘Kind of makes you feel like a boss when you’re ready to just get the job done. Maybe I need to buy some New Balance.’
Source Reddit u/IkilledRichieWhelan