
This mum watches Netflix ‘like an MS slideshow’ is surely today’s most infuriating thing

The streaming era means most of us watch telly rather differently to how we used to, binge watching whole shows in a week (or night) and jolly good it is too.

But some people have used the on-demand era in a rather different way. And when we say ‘some people’ what we really mean is ‘this mum’.

And it’s surely today’s most infuriating thing.

‘The way my mom watches Netflix like a MS Slideshow,’ said HipsterFoxxx who shared it over on Reddit.

“She doesn’t watch episodes of a series, she skips through them looking for interesting bits. If people talk too long she skips it, if there’s an action scene she skips it.

“We just started the walking dead today in the hopes of doing some mother son bonding but in total we haven’t watched more than 5 minutes straight without her skipping through it.”

And … look.

So very no.

And here are just a few of the many responses it prompted.

‘And let me guess: afterwards she complains that it was boring and didn’t make sense?’


‘I once tried to show a movie to my mom, and she proceeded to look at her phone for the first 30min then stood up and left because “that movie is weird and I don’t understand anything”.

‘But this is the stuff of nightmares. This is how I would be tortured in hell, probably.’

‘As long as we are sharing, my mom & her boyfriend heard good things about Killing Eve, so they decided to watch it. Starting with the 3rd episode of season 2. Told me the acting was good, but they didn’t understand the hype. Too confusing.

‘Straight up one of the most disturbing watcher behaviour I know of.’

‘I wouldn’t even expect that from a tiktok zoomer, let alone someone’s mom.’

‘Serial killer behavior.’

‘And what happens when you call her about about skipping it?’

‘She has a million and one excuses “oh I expected that” “nothings happening!” “It’s too loud” “they aren’t talking g about anything I like.”’

‘Wow, I’ve finally found a TV behavior worse than my grandfather.

‘When commercials came on, he would insist on muting the sound but in later years he would turn the TV completely off, and just guessing when the show probably came back on. The muting was ok, fine whatever… but now we’re all sitting in awkward silence, or at best wondering “ok, what are these people saying on the screen?” All bets were off when it came to shutting down the whole thing because you’d end up missing 80% of the show.

‘Either way, when the commercials came back on, it was the same damn thing every time. “Pop, it’s on.” “ITS ON!” “huh?” “THE SHOW! IT”S BACK ON!” (fumbles for remote, peers at buttons trying to find the right button.) Usually got it back on a minute or two into the segment and then spent the rest of the time asking “whatd’ he say? where are they?”

Source Reddit u/HipsterFoxxx