This woman’s video of a man trying to painfully chat her up has gone viral again and it’s a shocking reminder of entitled men everywhere
You don’t have to be a woman to appreciate this, but it helps.
It’s a video shared by Mickey Serbia-Ruiz, from the US, of a man painfully trying to chat her up while she was working behind a shop counter.
And it’s just gone viral again on Reddit for reasons that will become obvious.
Woman films man persistently hitting on her while she is trying to work
byu/Finn_Flame inPublicFreakout
And here are our favourite things that people said about it over on Reddit.
‘Mans got zero game and about the same self awareness.’
Savage-Sully‘He walked out of there thinking he killed it and she’s playing hard to get.’
IAmA_Lannister“You’re all set”
“Am I though?”
‘Fuck man, take the hint. Some people are so socially unaware.’
TheScientistBS3‘Man, he was really not taking the very obvious signs that she was not at all interested. That was so cringe at the end with the, “You’re cute.”. Dude…. learn to read people.’
StandingCow‘Wanna know my pin LOL that’s the most desperate pickup I’ve ever heard.’
hawaiianryanree‘I’d bet my house his PIN is 6969.’
CommunityGlittering2‘Amazing, dude kept rolling a 1 with a d20.’
jymssg‘You can be sure this guy just went home complaining about women not being able to hold a conversation.’
You don’t have to be a woman to appreciate this all-time great moment on The Chase (but it helps)
Source Reddit u/Finn_Flame