
Tory loser Andrew Cooper flounced out of his by-election defeat and this is the only response you need

You’ll probably know about Andrew Cooper, the Tory candidate for the ‘safe’ seat of Tamworth who has just suffered a crushing by-election defeat to Labour, poor chap.

Cooper became briefly infamous after it was revealed he’d shared this post three years ago, telling people who were struggling to feed their kids to ‘f-ck off’. 

We mention him again because Cooper’s notoriety didn’t end there after he flounced out early after Thursday night’s historic loss, not following tradition by listening to the winner, Labour’s Sarah Edwards.

Here it is again, from another perspective.

And it prompted no end of responses as you might imagine.

But surely the best – the very best – response went to the great @Parody_PM.


Last(ish) word to the winner, Sarah Edwards.

To conclude …


This video of Tory candidate Andrew Cooper was already good, but his crushing by-election defeat made it brilliant

Source Twitter @LewisJWarner