
27 times these people couldn’t remember the right word for something so they just made one up and it’s brilliant

We’ve surely all had a moment or two when no matter how hard you try you just can’t come up with the right word for something (and if you haven’t just give it another year or two, trust us).

And when you suffer a lexicology brain fade there are only two options – stay silent and look like a dumbass, or come up with a wholly different word or phrase for whatever it is you are trying to say.

Only problem is, you might look like even more of a dumbass. And these 27 people surely did it best, as shared in the corner of Reddit called ‘wild beef’ (cows – reddit?)

1. ‘Even physicists do it’


2. ‘Food appointment’


3. ‘Where Mother’


4. ‘Feminist stripping … steampunk stripping’


5. ‘Guacamole ball’


6. ‘Liquid zoo’


7. ‘Hot veg smoothie’


8. ‘Mini Dirt Apples’


9. ‘Unsleep’


10. ‘Eye weaves’


11. ‘Team Furry’


12. ‘Sounds about right’


13. ‘Cluck cluck’


14. ‘I spit out my coffee’
