
This infuriating Tinder exchange had people hollering into next week and got just the responses it deserved

Reasons we’re glad we’re not on Tinder (part 346).

This particularly infuriating Tinder exchange has just gone viral on Reddit for reasons which will surely become obvious.

‘She really came out swinging,’ said TCOLSTATS and they’re not adding, they’re really not kidding.

Good grief.

And here’s exactly what people made of that.

‘Projection for the insufferable is an art form.’

‘Right, I mean why even like someone’s profile in the first place if you already have a prejudice, and then go on to complain about people who like such people.

‘I don’t do casual dating, but people shouldn’t be shamed for doing it. As long as everyone is an adult and is consenting without coercion, or under the influence, people should be free to do what makes them happy.’

‘Sheesh. She sounds insufferable. She’s dissing your 6pack photo but I mean she swiped on you so what gives? What a sad, miserable person. You sound delightful. Keep at it.’

“I really don’t like ghosting people, so take the rejection in silence.”

‘Translation: “I must have the last word!”

‘Ok but can we see the dog.’

Source Reddit u/TCOLSTATS