Hannah Waddingham is basically in every Christmas ad and people love it – 17 favourite responses
You’ll probably already have seen how a certain type of person has been outraged by Marks and Spencer’s new Christmas ad for going ‘woke’.
Just in case you haven’t seen it yet (it’s a cracker!) …
Sound the klaxon, our clothing and home Christmas ad for 2023 is here! #LoveThismasNotThatmas pic.twitter.com/uI0tKNnIGc
— M&S (@marksandspencer) November 1, 2023
And the fury which greeted it in some quarters only made us love it even more.
We mention it again because, along with Zawe Ashton, Tan France, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor, you might have noticed that the M&S ad also stars Hannah Waddingham.
And guess who stars in Bailey’s Christmas TV campaign? That’s right, Sophie Ellis … no, no, no, it’s Hannah Waddingham!
Another one! Hannah Waddingham starring in the 2023 Baileys Christmas ad pic.twitter.com/RLEsMPYSRd
— Rachel (@weltonandwadds) November 2, 2023
And it prompted no end of joy, along with a whole heap of funny responses (and anticipation where she is going to turn up next).
Here are our favourite things people have been saying about her today.
This is hysterical – do you think all companies are just now finding out they’ve *all* cast Hannah waddingham in their festive ads? https://t.co/PHvLHCOZgz
— bette davis thighs (@LivvyParrot) November 2, 2023
Wondering who will be first to stitch all the Hannah Waddingham xmas adverts together into a single coherent 90 minute Richard Curtis film.
— D A V I D L O M A X (@davelomax) November 3, 2023
what if we replaced all Christmas with Hannah Waddingham
— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) November 2, 2023
Hannah Waddingham’s agent when another christmas ad is offered: pic.twitter.com/Wid9r1urW1
— Tom (@poppersxperfume) November 2, 2023
Sir, Hannah Waddingham is in another Christmas advert pic.twitter.com/YW4JDEXv9w
— Jonathan Eilbeck (@JonathanEilbeck) November 2, 2023
More importantly, can we please *have* Hannah Waddingham in every TV ad (and show), regardless of whether it’s the festive season or not?
— Jo Berry (@joberryreviews) November 2, 2023
I like to think all the ads exist within the same narrative universe. That Hannah must be having the time of her life this Christmas.
— Alexir of Life (@AlexJacksonC) November 2, 2023
John Lewis ad team hurriedly CGI-ing in someone else
— taraconlan (@taraconlan) November 2, 2023
What if it turns out Hannah Waddingham was the Aldi carrot the whole time?
— Dave (@davechannel) November 3, 2023