
The pronunciation of Worcestershire sauce takes a hilarious kicking in this viral video – and not just from the toddler

A quote attributed to George Bernard Shaw, but probably not actually said by him, is ‘England and America are two countries separated by the same language.’

It isn’t just the difference between sidewalk and pavement or chips and crisps that divide the US and the UK – it’s how they pronounce the words they have in common. Just ask an American how to say ‘herbs’, ‘advertisement’ or ‘semi’, for example.

One thing that has many Americans tying themselves in knots is the pronunciation of Worcestershire, and this viral video illustrates it perfectly.

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War-kester-shire sauce”. Got it.

The clip has been viewed 6.5 million times in four days, causing much hilarity along the way.

People rushed to the comments to react to the astonishing scenes.

Meanwhile, the Brits are just thinking …ask an American to say Worcestershire sauce you won’t be disappointed.
Hydee Bexy Stefano

The blind leading the blind. What did you call it?

RACING to the comments to see all us Brits raging over that pronunciation!
Paul Williams

I’ve heard people pronounce Worcestershire sauce the way the baby did but I have NEVER heard anyone pronounce it the way mom did.
Ivy Lane

I still be pronouncing it “wash your sister sauce”.

Bless you both you can learn together.

You said that with such confidence.

To sum up …

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How To Pronounce “Worcestershire”

Source @snezhanastoyanov12 Image Screengrab, Screengrab