Someone did the maths to prove that crinkle crankle (really) walls use fewer bricks than straight ones – but it was the name that blew minds
Over on r/theydidthemath, a Redditor named u/LordR1ck was sceptical about this claim, so he came seeking the wisdom of mathematicians.
We can see why he thinks that about this fact, which first popped up in 2020. For a start, where are all these corrugated walls? Secondly, surely they use more bricks than a straight wall!
Apparently not – according to desmondresmond at least.
They’re called crinkle crankles. A single leaf wall over that distance would need brick piers approx every 1.5-2m if it was a retaining wall it would need to be at least 9” wide (2 bricks).
The crinkle crankle has more strength due to it’s curved nature so can be 4” wide or a single leaf of bricks.
For the maths if we can assume they’re true semi-circles then each semi circle would be 1/2piD or 1.57D whereas a double leaf wall would be 2D for the same length D
Therefore using 21.5% less bricks than a double leaf wall.
People were impressed by the maths, but not entirely convinced by the whole ‘crinkle crankle’ thing.
I’m upvoting you, but I still feel like you made up the term “crinkle crankle” just now.
In fact, that’s the most made-up sounding term for something I’ve ever heard.
Ah, the wild crinkle crankle in its natural habitat.
This is the most British sounding word I’ve ever heard.
I love when words/terms seem tarradiddle but aren’t. It’s truly eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious!
Yes, operator, I think I may have had a stroke.
I feel confused and betrayed. I thought I knew what words looked like. Now I’m convinced anything could be a word and I’d never know it. How many words have I read that I’ve dismissed as nonsense? I am truly broken.
My brain has been embiggened.
You’re making that up …
patmank56 weighed in on the crinkle crankle controversy.
Well, it is England – the centre for made-up-sounding words that are real.
Utter balderdash.
This percentages maths hack is blowing 100% of people’s minds everywhere
Source r/theydidthemath Image r/theydidthemath, stockking on Freepik