Nothing can prepare you for the effect on your voice of breathing in the world’s heaviest non-toxic gas
Most of us at one point or another will have taken a suck on a helium balloon for comic effect, and it is never less than 100% funny.
What we’ve never tried, and doubtless will, is taking a lung full of the world’s heaviest non-toxic gas.
Fortunately for us, @theCodyReeder over at Cody’s Lab on YouTube has done just this and it’s … spectacular.
Breathing the world's heaviest non toxic gas: sulfur hexafluoride
[ Cody's Lab]
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) November 13, 2023
Rarely have we wanted to do something – and really not wanted to do it – so much at the same time.
cody's lab is a cool youtube channel. Just recently posted a video trying to make a rocket out of sodium and water lol
— gravityTSLA (@GravityTsla) November 13, 2023
Can’t be good to breath into your lungs lol.
— Jonathan (@bitsinabyte) November 13, 2023
Its not toxic.
Only danger is its hard to get out of the lungs, because its so heavy and can very deep.
Other than that, it is safe.— Jones P77 (@P77Jones) November 13, 2023
In three words.
Move over helium.
— Earthling / (@ziyatong) June 9, 2022
Check out Cody’s Lab on YouTube over here!
Also, don’t try this at home. Seriously, war child.
Source @theCodyReeder H/T @Rainmaker1973