Weird World

This picky online seller took the grammatical high ground and was schooled into next week

We try to avoid selling stuff online because it involves dealing with, you know, people. And – at the risk of stating the obvious – the same applies to buying stuff online, and here is a classic case in point.

It’s someone selling a jumper who was determined not only to make a bit of cash (and recycle something they didn’t want) but to come across as a bit of a dick at the same time.

And it’s fair to say it didn’t end well.

‘Right back at ya!’ said Unkie_Al who shared the exchange over in the corner of Reddit called ‘clever comebacks’.

What a complete and utter knit.

‘I sell stuff on FBM a little. Might as well get some money for stuff I don’t want anymore. If I only sold to fully literate people I’d never sell anything lol.’

‘Seller: “You’re making an issue out of nothing.”

‘Also seller: refuses to sell because the potential buyer made a spelling error.’

‘She corrected her more respectfully, and she only said one word with an asterisk. An efficient comeback.’

Source Reddit Unkie_Al