
Simply 9 of the most satisfying times that Andrew Tate was owned into next week

One of the good things about Andrew Tate – well, no, there are obviously no good things about Andrew Tate.

But one of – and possibly the only – satisfying thing about him sharing his thoughts (and otherwise) on Twitter is that there are always people ready with the perfect comeback.

Funny, brutal and never less than immensely satisfying, here are 9 Andrew Tate takedowns – Tate-downs? – that did it best.

1. When he said food was for losers


2. When he said dating him was a full-time job


3. When he said there was an opening for a ‘third Tate brother’


4. This Sky News presenter’s no-nonsense description


5. When he got all philosophical in jail


6. When Greta Thunberg did this.


7. And his subsequent response


8. This reply to his Christmas message (of sorts)


9. And finally, the drugs DO work


Follow Andrew T … no, only kidding.