
This Tory high-up was brutally owned by a bloody great big graphic on Sky News it’s just magnificent

Here’s half a minute or so to put a spring in your step today.

It’s Laura Trott, chief secretary to the Treasury and basically chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s number two, going on Sky News to tell everyone just how much people’s taxes are being reduced by after Hunt’s autumn statement.

Except Sky News presenter Trevor Phillips had a graph which suggested otherwise, so he put it up on the big screen and the look on Trott’s face was just a peach.

Mouth going up and down like a fish basically, but no words coming out.

And here are just a few of the things people said about it.

To conclude …


It took Nadine Dorries 11 seconds from swearing to keep the name of ‘Dr No’ secret to blurting it out on the radio

Source @Haggis_UK