A Trump fan came for Dolly Parton and got well and truly schooled by the internet
Dolly Parton is an international treasure.
Since her first recording in 1957, the actress, singer and philanthropist has had more than 40 hit albums and over 100 hit singles, as well as receiving countless music awards, a couple of Oscar nominations and has even turned down the Presidential Medal of Freedom …more than once.
Despite being a music legend, it’s Dolly’s generosity, sense of humour and spirit that make the world want to protect her. Her book programme for children is inspirational, she helped fund the Moderna vaccine, and she is an exemplary employer to her Dollywood staff.
At the age of 77, she looks great, she’s in excellent health and she’s still belting out hits.
YOU GUYS! @DollyParton has scored the BIGGEST album debut sales week of her career with #ROCKSTAR!
It debuted at No. 1 on SIX different @billboard charts, including the Top Rock Albums, Top Country Albums, and Top Album Sales, among others. @BigMachine pic.twitter.com/xHtw1918dn
— Scott Borchetta (@scottborchetta) November 28, 2023
For Thanksgiving, she performed at the Cowboys-Commanders NFL Thanksgiving Day Halftime Show, dressed appropriately enough as Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.
She wowed the crowds, but attracted complaints from the sort of people who heard Donald Trump boast that he could assault women and get away with it – then carried on supporting him!
People like Vince Langman.
His insinuations were quickly shut down by Dolly’s fans on Twitter/X.
Y’all say that like Dolly needs permission https://t.co/nFQv7qpMKM
— Kiss my Fat Ash (@Tobi_Is_Fab) November 24, 2023
Dolly is an angel on earth and as such can dress however she pleases. https://t.co/zKLdPUbwrG
— Jason Reid (@JasonReidUK) November 24, 2023
She can do whatever the hell she wants to do.
— Fish_Kungfu (@Fish_Kungfu) November 23, 2023
Dolly Parton could murder three people in front of me and I wouldn’t care https://t.co/IcDiNUj2OM
— The Drunk Jake (@TheDrunkJake) November 26, 2023
I’m not OK with any man questioning what any woman, of whatever age, should wear.
None of your fucking business. https://t.co/2kIrbHm43N
— John Collins (@HangBlaa) November 25, 2023
What are you gonna do, Vince? Sue the NFL? https://t.co/2ySdQgcHIw pic.twitter.com/6ejMHoV5O4
— The Insidious Maestro Morgan (@MaestroMorgan17) November 25, 2023
I’m ecstatic about it, Vince you big MAGA goon.
She’s donated books to 120 million children round the world.
She donated £800,000 to the development of the Moderna Covid vaccine.
She pays for her staff at Dollywood to get further education.
What have you done with your life? https://t.co/2vmEvNLBFf
— Claire Meadows FRSA (@CL_Meadows) November 24, 2023
am i ok with world peace? am i ok with laughter and happiness? don’t ask stupid questions. https://t.co/bNzMuOLn2D
— mabel pines’ lawyer (@sunbleachdfemme) November 25, 2023
Men like this are just mad because they don’t want to be attracted to a 77 year old woman, they believe women over 35 should be thrown in the trash. It disrupts their entire way of thinking. Men can be 85 yr old sugar daddies but women must remove sexuality after 40? 50? https://t.co/mpBn5qFAeX
— caitlin stokes (@caitlinstokes) November 25, 2023
What a stupid ass question. She’s the QUEEN https://t.co/fggumnt0A8
— Chi6 (@_chigirl6) November 24, 2023
That aint nothing, here is Dolly 5 Days ago, if you are 77, and you can still rock it, GO FOR IT! pic.twitter.com/PorZ1uGgqM
— Shelly (@ShellyMarven) November 23, 2023
No woman gives a flying shit what your opinion is of their outfit choices.
— RealHousewifeOfMichigan (@RealHousewifeMi) November 24, 2023
It doesn’t matter who is okay with it. SHE IS. People can wear whatever they want. No one gets to tell anyone what they should or shouldn’t wear for ANY reason.
She looks amazing, by the way.
— Tiffany A Castagna (@CastagnaTiffany) November 24, 2023
Dolly Parton can throw a man into a volcano wearing pasties as is her god given right as a living saint. https://t.co/u8VERtOctw
— Jenn (@jenngulbrandsen) November 25, 2023
The midriff bodysuit covered in rhinestones is D R A G honey https://t.co/I12W556Hj7
— Gina Tonic (@ginatonicnyc) November 24, 2023
Dolly’s younger sister, Stella, nailed her response.
I personally thought my big sister Dolly was cute as hell in her Dallas Cowboys cheerleading costume at the half time show on Thanksgiving. To those of you being so critical of a 77 year old kicking up her heels, I say fuck yourself. Shame on you not her.
— Stella Parton (@StellaParton) November 26, 2023
Dolly Parton’s anecdote about being scammed into paying for an old guy’s meal had a funny twist
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