20 favourite funny and occasionally relatable tweets about relationships
There’s no one-size-fits-all about relationships, whether that’s romantic relationships or the ones we have with family, friends, colleagues or anyone else.
Yet many of these funny tweets contain a spark of something relatable. See what you think.
Surprised my wife with a paper airplane her reaction proves that women don’t care about origami pic.twitter.com/wgBLAoncxM
— Vinod Chhaproo (@Chhapiness) September 18, 2023
I’d always known that my wife had difficulty admitting mistakes, but one day in 2016, I pointed out that she’d entered our address incorrectly into the GPS. She denied it, and we arrived at the home of a lovely elderly couple named Burt and Anna, whom we’ve lived with ever since.
— Uncle Duke (@UncleDuke1969) December 2, 2023
My MIL takes a new bar of soap from the pantry every time she visits like even our body germs aren’t good enough for her
— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) September 20, 2023
No one:
My Mum: I saw on Gogglebox that a woman married a ghost and it reminded me of you.
— Buckers (@deathofbuckley) September 17, 2023
If you don't come home and spend at least ten minutes alone in the car just savouring the last few moments of peace and quiet, are you even a middle aged married man?
— karanbir singh (@karanbirtinna) December 4, 2023
Me: for the first time ever I changed outfits because I looked too witchy.
Husband: people need to know, though.
♀️— Jane Casey (@JaneCaseyAuthor) December 3, 2023
the jets had aaron rodgers for 37 seconds and it ended in disappointment. my wife said “been there before” pic.twitter.com/Sc1qi0bDH6
— Ben Rosen (@ben_rosen) September 12, 2023
long-term relationships are all about developing a dialect so embarrassing you’d rather be shot than have audio of your daily conversations leak
— lesbian mothman (@verysmallriver) September 17, 2023
Do you ever think of the ex you made a painful decision to leave and just hope in your heart of hearts that someone is annoying them worse than you ever could have?
— ⚰️Spooky Leggy Pain️️ (@coffeeandvinyl1) September 19, 2023
Relationship so bad you start relating to Taylor Swift songs
— Stabbatha Christy (@LoveNLunchmeat) September 19, 2023