
People are sharing terrible first dates that were so bad they’re funny – 17 nightmare match-ups

We haven’t been on a first date for a while. But back in the day when we did it’s fair to say we had a few nightmare match-ups in our time.

But fortunately this isn’t about us, it’s about these people, after Huge_Run_4282 had a question over on AskReddit.

‘What’s the worst first date you ever had?’

And the nightmare first dates came pouring in, some of them so bad they’re funny.


‘On a first date I had a girl’s ex appear at our table, no idea who he was obviously, and propose to her with a dozen roses! She accepted, I was stunned and went outside to give them some space. It was only a first date but always thought he should have paid the bill.’


‘He asked me to hang out and picked me up from my place. Figured it would just be the two of us but before I knew it we were driving to his friend’s house an hour away to watch him DJ on his front porch lmao.”
“On our way home (after four painful hours) he stopped at Wendy’s, ordered himself food, and as we were driving away he goes ‘oh did you want something?’


‘He took me to his recently deceased aunt’s house to help his distraught and mourning father go through all of her things… His dad was not happy to see me.’


‘Well, I was the one who made it the worst date. This hurts to type. I was 16 and invited two different girls out on the same date. I guess I thought they would be surprised with a three-way date and both like it, resulting in me having double girlfriends.

‘They were both quiet for a while and then upset. The one who I gave a ride to sent her dad outside to chew me out when I brought her home. I have no idea how I got so stupid, and it’s one of the things that still makes me cringe 20 years later when I think about it.’


‘She used a pic on the dating site from ten or fifteen years ago, and had me pick her up at the house she was living with her separated (but not yet divorced) husband at and didn’t tell me any of this beforehand.’

‘I picked her up and she looked like a totally different person, and there was some big angry guy staring daggers at me from the window and I had no idea what was going on.’


‘He asked me out on a date, asked me to pick him up because he didn’t have a car. He didn’t have any actual plans so we just drove somewhere to talk. The entire time he kept trying to get me to start a business with him. Any business, it didn’t matter, he just wanted to go into business with me.’


‘When he dropped me off he said “bye, I love you!” And when I turned back surprised he said “sorry, you just remind me a lot of my ex.” I hope he’s doing okay.’


‘Girl got absolutely shit faced drunk then told me she wanted me to take her home for sex. I told her I’m not taking you home in that state but I will ring you a taxi. Then she just became incomprehensible when I tried to get her address to call her an Uber.

‘A woman on the next table was overhearing our conversation and started investigating like I spiked her drink. I managed to convince them she was just drunk and I just want to put her in a taxi and make my own way home.

‘The girls got the bar staff to come over, so everyone in the bar was watching what was going on. The girl still couldn’t manage to talk properly to give her address so we tried to get her to unlock her phone to check her Uber account but this proved impossible as she couldn’t talk.

‘We managed to grab her finger to unlock it and found the address she came from. Booked the Uber and I had to carry her to the entrance to get in the taxi but driver wouldn’t take her on her own. The bar staff insisted I get in with her which I was reluctant to do because of how it looked but ended up getting in.

‘Then me and the Uber driver had to get her house keys out her bag and carry her into her house on the couch.

‘Worst fucking date ever.’


‘Went on a double date as an awkward teenager with two friends who wanted to get together. Got introduced to my ‘date’ and her name was Vari, so my idiotic response was to put on a very posh voice and say ‘Oh Vari good!’ She didn’t speak to me the entire night while our friends enjoyed their date.’