
Brits shared their weirdest Christmas traditions – 21 star suggestions


My grandmother is religious and she likes to have a “birthday cake for Jesus” on Christmas Day which is separate to the Christmas cake. We all wish Jesus a merry Christmas and blow the candles out


Via Freepik


I spent Xmas day with a family once whose tradition (which I didn’t know about) was to have presents early followed by a huge 12pm lunch. After lunch everyone in the house either went to bed or had a nap in the living room. We’re talking TV off, blinds drawn, blankets out full on nap for about 4 hours. At one point I was the only person still awake just sat in the dark wondering when everyone would wake up again!


Christmas gifts from the pets, and when we had farm animals from them too. The sheep got my mum a Mumford & Sons album one year


Until my mother retired we often had a mostly dead real Christmas tree in our house as well as our regular/ official tree.

My mum felt sad for the tree in the reception area of the school that she worked at being ‘alone’ and unloved over Christmas when the school closed for the holidays. So she would bring it home if it was small enough to fit in the car but because it had been on display in school for at least a few weeks before, half dead or naked sat in our hallway or sitting room with some leftover decorations on it.


My siblings and I still get dressed in our Christmas pyjamas on Christmas Eve and my dad reads us The Night Before Christmas and shows us the pictures in the same book from before I was born. We’re all in our thirties now.


Once the Christmas pudding is lit we sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas and you have to carry on with all the verses until the flames go out. I only discovered that this wasn’t universal when I very nearly burst into song at my now husband’s aunt’s house where I was meeting a lot of his extended family for the first time.


Christmas Eve Nandos

I will be taking no questions at this time.


We always have pork pie and ketchup for breakfast (with bucks fizz obviously). My husband thought we were disgusing when he joined the family.


My husband used to have one of those Merry Christmas banners for the office, and one day he discovered that the letters were detachable, so he looked up every anagram of Merry Christmas and used a different one every year. His favourite was Mr Christ My Arse.

Tar-Nuine may have had the most relatable tradition, though.

Via Pexels


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Source r/AskUK Image Pixabay